malam ni after dinner macam clueless, taktahu nak buat apa. so on lappy and terus login twitter and browse pasal personality test. entah kenapa tergerak hati nak tau personaliti sendiri ni. hehehehe meanwhile, kacau badut aku dekat skype! hoyeahh.
berbalik kepada story, aku pergi kat this website personality test center and click take the test! kat bawah sekali. ada 68 questions yang korang kena jawab. 68? -______- kalau exam kat sekolah macam ni, half way je kot aku siap kan, selebih adalah masa untuk aku tido. kehkeh
tapi kalini aku tabahkan hati, aku ni taksuka baca banyak banyak nanti mulalah pening la sawan la *oh alasan semata-mata* blablabla. . . # suka type benda nonsense kan aku ni? HOHO
berbalik lagi kepada story, (the heck weh ayat aku HAHA, abaikan -.-") soalan soalan yang dikemukan bagi aku agak mencabar, sebab semuanya ada kaitan dengan aku. . . . maksudnya, berkaitan dengan ke-over confident-an aku, keperasanan aku, keterukan aku, keburukan aku dan ke-an ke-an yang selebihnya. kahkah *gelak unsenonoh*
for example :
- Are you inclined to : be more cool headed or get excited or lose your temper easily
for sure aku jawab yang "get excited or lose your temper easily" kaaaan? haha malu betul dengan diri sendiri. tak boleh kawal ke-temper-an *peace yaw (Y)
2. Do you value in yourself more that you are : just and impartial or merciful and forgiving
hehe yang ini pulak aku pilih "merciful and forgiving", aku selalu buat decision based on emosi. miahaha! honestly setakat ni aku tak rasa aku ni adil or saksama or kedua-duanya sekali. so saaaad! hurm, dalam pemulihan ni. *krikkrik* kesian mereka yang menjadi mangsa ketidakadilan aku ("")("")
3. Are you more comfortable : checking off a "to do" list or ignoring a "to do" list even if you made one
aku ada sejarah. . . terlampau banyak sejarah dalam buat membuat "to do" list ni. since dari primary school hingga secondary school. you know what, satu pun aku tak pernah ikut (-3-) tak pernah weh, kalau nak pun satu or dua hari je. hahaha. serious aku rasa loser gila. so dekat matriks memang takde la gamaknya ghagha! aku salute anybody yang boleh patuh dengan list yang dibuat *clap hands* yeahhh. iman aku dalam bab ni memang ehem ehem. . . terukk hehehe. therefore untuk soalan ni, choice kedua la yang aku pilih, woohoo!
4. When watching TV dramas do you feel : personally uninvolved with the characters or personally involved with the characters
well, in this case wajib semua wanita di luar sana memilih "personally involved" kan? yelah, perempuan ni kalau tak ber-emosi tak sah kan kan kan? jangan tak mengaku eh. terkentut berciciran kang :p trololo~ aku berterus terang lah, whatever drama yang aku tengok tak kesah melayu cina india (cewah 1 Malaysia bhai) benda paling penting is aku akan menghayati watak utama "heroin" gitu bhahaha! -__- ok maluuu. boo syikin boo (boo : kekasih, thank you hihi)
so inilah antara soalan soalan dan jawapan yang aku jawab. harapan tiada yang terguris hati okay ;) sekadar gurauan :p and aku rasa sekerat jalan kot korang akan baca ni. sebab panjang lebar pulaks! haheho. tapi apa apa pun. . .hmm . . hm entahlah. korang baca jela sampai habis. lalala~
and the results are. . . . .jeng jeng jeng. merangkumi pelbagai aspek dalam pekerjaan.
: pedagogue (who instructs in a pedantic manner) :
-----> Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others be the best that they can be. (aku memang suka jadi ketua in anything and everything aka azwan ali heee amboi amboi amboi kau haaa! ;p )
: journalist :
-----> Love novelty and surprises. They are big on emotions and expression. Life is an exciting drama. They are good at sales, advertising, politics, and acting. (aku tak pernah minat journalist!!! so bubye haha)
: field marshall :
-----> The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. (ehemmm, aku anak askar pulak :p muahaha)
: inventor :
----> Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. (tang innovative tu aku takpercayaaaaa -_-" aku sangat blurrr and innocent *puppy eyes* eh taknak haram pulak err *sherk cat eyes* atototototo :p (biarlah aku sorang je faham. . .*facepalm*)
: seller :
----> Most sociable of all types. Outstanding host or hostesses. They excel in service occupations involving personal contact. *proud :sapu bahu* kahkahkah! :D
: entertainer :
----> Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. They make good performers, and they love talking on the phone. (paling suka witty tu *perasan : mata ke atas, tangan ke bahu*, haha and aku memang suka berborak dalam phone. no doubt. lagi lagi dapat dengar masalah orang :)
: administrator :
----> Much in touch with the external environment. These are responsible mates and parents and are loyal to the workplace. They are realistic, down-to-earth, orderly, and love tradition. They often find themselves joining civic clubs! (note that, aku ni down to earth katanyaaaa! blurggh, sooooo not!! weeeweee ;p )
: promoter :
----> These are action-oriented sophisticated people. As mates, they are both exciting and charming. They make good promoters, and entrepreneurs. ( errrr. . .no comment)
: author :
----> Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. These are serious students and workers who really want to contribute. They make good therapists, general practitioners, and ministers. (therapist! therapist!! *melompat terkinja-kinja :D)
: questor :
----> Idealistic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved. They are very family and home oriented, and have a high capacity for caring. High sense of honor derived from internal values. (cool babe! caring babe! hahaha *annoying* )
: scientist :
----> Most self-confident and pragmatic of all the types. Decisions come very easily. These are the most independent of all types. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. (again no comment eh jap jap, haaa. aku ni senang buat decision. it may be okay sometimes but often nya teruklah kaaan ngehngeh)
: architect :
----> Great precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. They are good at logic and math and make good philosophers and theoretical scientists. (good at logic, yess! good in math? puuiiiiiii)
: conservator :
----> Service and work oriented - very loyal. They are good nurses, teachers, secretaries, general practitioners, librarians, middle managers, and housekeepers. ( ehem bebeh. i'm the very the loyal gitu dalam kerja, ahakkkss! imma workaholic? ohnoooooo :p)
: artist :
-----> Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. (aku suka dancing and drawing, that's all, painting macam fail je hehehehehehehe)
: trustee :
----> Dependable pillars of strength. They make good bank examiners, auditors, accountants, and phys. ed. teachers, and boy or girl scouts! (PERGHH!)
: artisan :
----> Action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. They like tools, and instruments and often become technical experts. (technical experts? fuyooo! yang aku tau aku suka menjahanamkan barang-barang, especially barang dalam rumah. hoho. gadis brutal niiiii *banging head* )
okay, errr itu je kot ngeh ngeh!
if korang rasa annoyed, harap maaf.
tak berniat, tak sengaja, hanya menghabiskan masa anda sahaja :PPPP HAHEHIHOHU
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ah sudah! gambar apa pulak ni? : " ni adalah practise tuk mancungkan hidung. ngerti? :p hehe |
may Allah bless you always :'D